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Astrology: A Brief History and Its Modern Use


The origins of astrology can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia, where the Babylonians developed a system of omens based on the movements of the planets and stars. They also divided the sky into 12 sections, each corresponding to a constellation, which later became the basis for the zodiac signs. The Babylonian astrology was influenced by other civilizations, such as Egypt, Greece, India and Persia.

Astrology became a scholarly tradition in ancient Greece, where it was used to predict natural phenomena, political events and personal fortunes. The Greeks also introduced the concept of horoscopes, which are personalized charts that show the positions of celestial bodies at a specific time and place. The Greek astrology was transmitted to Rome, where it was popular among emperors and elites.

Astrology continued to flourish in the Middle Ages, when it was integrated with other fields of knowledge such as astronomy, alchemy, medicine and theology. Astrology was widely accepted in political and cultural circles, and astrologers were consulting kings, popes and nobles. Astrology also spread to other regions of the world, such as China, India and Arabia.

However, astrology began to decline in the 17th century with the rise of scientific rationalism and empirical methods. Astrology was challenged by new discoveries in astronomy that contradicted its basic assumptions. In traditional Astrology, moon was considered a planet & Earth was in the middle of the universe. Actually, it doesn't change the idea of how ancient Astrologers researched the connection of circumstances on Earth with the movement of sky objects. Astrology was criticized by philosophers and theologians who denounced it as superstition or heresy.

In modern times, astrology has experienced a revival. Many people read their daily or weekly horoscopes in newspapers or magazines or online platforms. Some people consult astrologers for advice on various aspects of their lives such as love, career, or health.

Astrology can be seen as a way for people to cope with uncertainty or complexity in their lives by providing them with guidance or reassurance based on their perceived cosmic connections. Astrology can also be seen as a form of self-expression or identity formation by allowing people to explore their personality traits or preferences based on their zodiac signs.

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P.S. If you want to order your Birth Chart reading, send me a message:

Best wishes!

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